Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Journaling take 3

So I haven't yet figured out the easiest way to capture all my memories and experiences here is Spain for later reflection but I have yet to try a blog... so here goes. My original plan was a post card from every city i visit, write about what i did and mail it home, then bind them together when i get home for memories but have you seen how much room there is for writing on a post card... not nearly enough to write about all the amazing things that happen. I also started a journal but I can't exactly post that to tell other people what is going on so here is my blog...

School here is so great! Defiantly some of the best teachers I have ever had plus I have never been so motivated to go to school, do my homework, study, and just learn! haha Not knowing the language is the hardest part of being here so I have been very eager to learn.
We started with a two week intensive course all in Spanish. It was equivalent to 3 units in the states so that was great and passing it with a 9.35 (they grade 1 to 10 instead of A-F) wasn't too bad either :) The first two weeks was nothing short of intensive (5 hour classes monday-friday) but it was completely necessary. Now we are on a normal schedule with 1 to 3 two hour classes per day and no school on friday :) My classes are still taught in Spanish with the exception of our cultural communication course but I have found that it is easier for me to learn the language when it is taught in Spanish.

Work could not be better! I am teaching english to the children of two different families (soon to be three) and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful opportunity thanks so my host family! Not only is it a perfect experience for my resume but it also helps me learn spanish. The kids are so cute when they get so excited to play with me and tell me stories (all in Spanish) and I try so hard to translate the few familiar words i can catch haha. I wish I had a video of Elvira (one of the 5 year old twins i teach) trying to tell me a story about a mermaid under the water or something haha. She was so excited and jumping all around trying to demonstrate for me as she could tell I did not understand her but she could not figure out why. Her twin brother Santiago is just as enthusiastic and has an amazing attention span for a five year old! It is so exciting to when he repeats back new phrases and words i teach him and then recalls them later.
I love teaching but also have gained a whole new respect for teacher that can captivate the attention of young children and motivate them to participate in different learning activities. That has been the most challenging part of teaching is coming up with different activities to do with the kids that will get them to speak english with me. Today was great though! I took the two boys Jamie (4 years old) and Marco (8) to the grocery store. I gave each of them a "grocery list" and off we went chasing them through the store as they excitedly searched for each item so they could cross them off their list. It went better then I ever could have imagined. We had a blast and i feel like the boys actually learned something. After the grocery store we went back to their house and I asked about the 10 or so huge trophies on the mantel since i've noticed the house is full of running shoes, bikes, and trophies. Little did i know Fran, the dad, is a professional athlete and a fire fighter! (what a loser) haha They should me pictures of his track competitions where he represented Spain and the laundry room full of running shoes from floor to celling. The next thing i knew the mom was giving me a pair of brand new Nike frees plus my 20 euros for the week... not a bad days work haha! So i guess you could say they are pretty cool haha

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